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File List  |  1994-05-16  |  18.3 KB  |  235 lines

  1.  ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
  2.  │                        46 - Programmers Utilities                         │
  3.  └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
  5. BASXRF13.ZIP    39340  02-17-94  Basic prog X-Ref 1.3.  JN Goodale <ASP>      
  6.                                | Provides formatted listing, user-label/      
  7.                                | line number, variable, and reserved word     
  8.                                | cross reference.  Output to file or          
  9.                                | printer.  Works for QuickBasic 4.5,          
  10.                                | Microsoft PDS, GWBasic, possibly other       
  11.                                | dialects.                                    
  12. BETA301.ZIP    169987  02-13-94  The Beta Test Program 3.01:  Application     
  13.                                | designed to assist software authors in       
  14.                                | developing a Beta test program; includes     
  15.                                | a report generator that allows for easy      
  16.                                | isolation of troublesome bugs in Beta        
  17.                                | software.  MyLife Software.                  
  18. BOOKBIB.ZIP     13727  03-14-94  Borland Products related book                
  19.                                | bibliography.                                
  20. CDMTCH10.ZIP    49769  01-31-94  CodeMatch 1.0:  Smartly matches two          
  21.                                | source files by ignoring/including           
  22.                                | comments, spaces, pre-processors, and        
  23.                                | character case.  Works with C/C, Pascal,     
  24.                                | Basic, Assembly, Clipper, or dBase.          
  25. CHECKIND.ZIP    11939  02-07-94  Programmers Tool:  Check BTRIEVE file        
  26.                                | index structures for corruption.             
  27. CSHTXT22.ZIP   169167  02-23-94  Hamilton C Shell 2.2  ASCII                  
  28.                                | Documentation.                               
  29. CTC0007.ZIP   2639963  02-10-94  CSET Compiler Grouping 2.0/v2.1.             
  30. DOSREF33.ZIP   289307  02-23-94  Programmer's Technical Reference - your      
  31.                                | complete source for programming IBM          
  32.                                | computers running MSDOS.  Hardware,          
  33.                                | BIOS, DOS, and third party applications      
  34.                                | are covered.  This free demo version is      
  35.                                | better than most printed books, the full     
  36.                                | version's enormous size makes it un-         
  37.                                | equalled in completeness.  Version 3.3.      
  38. DSN3HA.ZIP      33408  02-12-94  Developer Support News:  PSP's               
  39.                                | Developer Assistance Program.  ASCII.        
  40.                                | Iss 8.                                       
  41. DSN3IA.ZIP      45062  03-12-94  Developer Support News Iss 9.  PSP's         
  42.                                | Developer Assistance Program.  ASCII.        
  43. DSN3II.ZIP      74118  03-03-94  Developer support news.  PSP's               
  44.                                | developer assistance program.                
  45. DSN93I.ZIP      42948  03-24-94  IBM Developer Support news 93 issue 1.       
  46. FED161.ZIP      54186  03-02-94  FileEDitor 1.61:  Full-screen binary         
  47.                                | file editor.  Configurable                   
  48.                                | colors/options.                              
  49. FGSCROLL.ZIP    26383  03-11-94  FGSCROLL shows how to create a               
  50.                                | scrolling background.  Source and            
  51.                                | project file included.                       
  52. FINISH26.ZIP   111481  02-05-94  THE FINISHING TOUCH 2.6.  A professional     
  53.                                | software installation program for devel-     
  54.                                | opers to distribute with their software.     
  55.                                | It compresses files 50%, displays            
  56.                                | shadowed Windows, reads across floppies,     
  57.                                | checks hardware, modifies AUTOEXEC.BAT       
  58.                                | and CONFIG.SYS, prints or views ASCII        
  59.                                | files, does error checking, and more!        
  60.                                | Includes 67 pages of documentation and       
  61.                                | two sample script files.                     
  62. GO.ZIP         187639  02-05-94  GO! 2.20.  Make installation FAST and        
  63.                                | EASY with GO!  If you distribute your        
  64.                                | software or data on diskettes, you need      
  65.                                | GO!  Your users will love it, because        
  66.                                | installation will be a snap!  Just tell      
  67.                                | them "Put the diskette in the drive and      
  68.                                | type GO!"  Everything after that is          
  69.                                | simple.                                      
  70. GSMOK03C.ZIP    45474  02-16-94  GUNSMOKE 0.3C.  Quality Assurance            
  71.                                | Engineer, writing under the nom de           
  72.                                | silicon Jack Ascii.  This disk includes      
  73.                                | various asininities, comments & gossip       
  74.                                | of interest to shareware authors, and        
  75.                                | reviews of assorted software.                
  76.                                | GUNSMOKE.QAE is a list of 592 shareware      
  77.                                | vendors rated by their catalog and           
  78.                                | author support (or lack thereof).            
  79. GUIDE101.ZIP    44032  02-12-94  GUIDE 1.01:  Generic Universal Inte-         
  80.                                | grated Development Environment for           
  81.                                | Programmers.  An IDE for ANY command-        
  82.                                | line compiler.  Up to 5 files open at        
  83.                                | once, definable compiler, linker,            
  84.                                | editor, and viewer. Run your compiled        
  85.                                | program and view output at any time.         
  86.                                | Easy/flexible filename passing, pull-        
  87.                                | down menus and hotkeys simplify              
  88.                                | everything.                                  
  89. IPRO316.ZIP    130969  02-18-94  Install-Pro 3.16:  Creates custom            
  90.                                | installation programs for software           
  91.                                | authors.                                     
  92. IPXRTR.ZIP     177959  02-16-94  IPX Router Guide for Programmers File is     
  93.                                | a Postscript File.                           
  94. JSFILD22.ZIP    36040  02-09-94  JSField:  Aids in the process of             
  95.                                | extracting and formatting data.              
  96. LINK12.ZIP      16437  03-05-94  LINK 1.2.  A binary/text file divider        
  97.                                | by DAS Software 'splits' small (10k) to      
  98.                                | large (over 6m).  Includes a program to      
  99.                                | join them back to their original sizes.      
  100. NPBT18.ZIP     198160  02-23-94  BTS-EQUALIZER 1.8:  Tutor And Study AI.      
  101. NR200202.ZIP    47150  02-16-94  Patch for bugs in Numerical Recipe's         
  102.                                | 2.00 algorithms.                             
  103. OBJMCX.ZIP       9677  02-27-94  Object Machine Demo - is a teaching aid      
  104.                                | about finite-state machines for              
  105.                                | beginners.  Requires VBRUN100.               
  106. PAR.ZIP        119269  02-01-94  PARSE-O-MATIC 2.33.  Moves data between      
  107.                                | programs that normally don't understand      
  108.                                | each each other's data.  Convert reports     
  109.                                | from one program into a format useful to     
  110.                                | the other one.  Edit text files by           
  111.                                | script.  Don't retype all your data:         
  112.                                | print your report to a file, then use        
  113.                                | P-O-M to CONVERT it to the input format      
  114.                                | you require!  From Pinnacle.                 
  115. PCBRN10D.ZIP   106831  02-02-94  PCBrand 1.0D:  Allows you to brand your      
  116.                                | EXE/COM files with a message/serial          
  117.                                | number, etc.  With any combination of        
  118.                                | letters or numbers, up to 30.  Does not      
  119.                                | affect executable operation.  Designed       
  120.                                | to help companies track & maintain their     
  121.                                | installed software; can also brand           
  122.                                | software with different serial numbers       
  123.                                | without recompiling the application each     
  124.                                | time.                                        
  125. PEARL30.ZIP     43272  01-15-94  Programmer's Editor Pearl:  Programmer's     
  126.                                | text editor with full editable macros,       
  127.                                | full search and replace functions,           
  128.                                | search for matching bracket compile,         
  129.                                | and run facilities.                          
  130. PREXCM50.ZIP    34009  02-12-94  Protect! EXE/COM 5.0:  Encrypts and          
  131.                                | protects your EXE/COM files.  File           
  132.                                | integrity is checked using a CRC             
  133.                                | whenever the Protected file is run, and      
  134.                                | if the file has been tampered with, a        
  135.                                | customizable message is displayed.           
  136. QINST20.ZIP    115546  02-01-94  QUIK-INSTALL:  Application installation      
  137.                                | program.  Supports multiple disk             
  138.                                | installations, copies files or unpaks        
  139.                                | EXE archives, checks available disk          
  140.                                | space, configurable colors, prompt &         
  141.                                | message, less than 7k in size,               
  142.                                | completely menu driven, no scripts or        
  143.                                | programming, stores setup internally,        
  144.                                | full mouse support, and context              
  145.                                | sensitive help.                              
  146. RPR10.ZIP       49366  05-15-94  RPR 1.0 - A file viewing utility with        
  147.                                | lots of features and easy to use. Has        
  148.                                | string search, goto byte, goto line, hex     
  149.                                | mode, 43/50 line modes.  Piping is           
  150.                                | supported. Also custom colors and block      
  151.                                | write to file or printer.  Uses less         
  152.                                | than 40 Kbytes.                              
  153. SINFO100.ZIP    71205  03-10-94  Extensive info on low-level resource         
  154.                                | usage.                                       
  155. SKRMSH10.ZIP    59044  02-03-94  SKIRMISH -- Version 1.0 A Programming        
  156.                                | Game of Strategy and Chaos!                  
  157. SOLARS.ZIP      11222  03-23-94  Solaris x86 compatibility guide.             
  158. STYLEX.ZIP      99011  02-12-94  Program DLL/Source to allow color            
  159.                                | changes at run time.                         
  160. SV31E.ZIP       40820  02-18-94  Source View.  A programmers text             
  161.                                | editor.                                      
  162. T2B120.ZIP      40174  02-11-94  Text-to-Binary Conversion Program 1.20.      
  163.                                | Allows you to maintain binary files in       
  164.                                | text format.  Useful for patching files,     
  165.                                | and setting up initializing commands for     
  166.                                | printers.  Supports radix, symbols,          
  167.                                | text strings, escape sequences, and          
  168.                                | comments.                                    
  169. TDEX33.ZIP     133462  02-12-94  Teledex.  A handy card-file using ISAM       
  170.                                | technology.                                  
  171. TWOCLR.ZIP       4282  02-19-94  Create/display CL prompts in two mixed       
  172.                                | colors.                                      
  173. UCHAIN31.ZIP     8164  03-12-94  UNCHAIN Planar VGA Mode 13h Enforcer         
  174.                                | 3.1 FREEWare  Aids in the debugging of       
  175.                                | planar modes, aka "Mode X" within            
  176.                                | Borland IDE's such as BC, BP, TP, TPROF,     
  177.                                | TD and others.  Also Palette restoring       
  178.                                | (works in Mode 13h) & page viewing.          
  179. VGAPAL40.ZIP    30958  02-24-94  VGAPAL 4.0.  Palette customizer for VGA      
  180.                                | text.  Creates a small (< 2k) TSR that       
  181.                                | maintains your preferred color scheme.       
  182.                                | Disable blinking and choose from over        
  183.                                | 262,000 colors!  Save up to 4 palettes.      
  184.                                | Can alternatively set color scheme from      
  185.                                | one of these without using the TSR.          
  186. VSET11.ZIP      63576  04-10-94  Visible::Setup(tm) 1.1.  Developers'         
  187.                                | installation utility for DOS applica-        
  188.                                | tions.  Simple, clean, professional          
  189.                                | installations; no scripts or macros to       
  190.                                | write.  Easier than batch files, yet far     
  191.                                | more professional in appearance and          
  192.                                | execution.  For MS-DOS language appli-       
  193.                                | cations, including CA-Clipper, Turbo         
  194.                                | Pascal, Quick-BASIC, Clarion, C, etc.        
  195.                                | Small (16k), fast, efficient.                
  196. WDEVNT.ZIP     317730  02-16-94  Windev 1.55:  Integrated program devel-      
  197.                                | opment environment for Windows includes      
  198.                                | a powerful multi-window editor with          
  199.                                | configurable key bindings and a search/      
  200.                                | replace command using UNIX-regular           
  201.                                | expressions.  Other features include         
  202.                                | tool & status bars, hex viewer, file         
  203.                                | comparison, hypertext links, and a           
  204.                                | direct interface to any vendor's             
  205.                                | compiler.                                    
  206. WE30.ZIP        94035  03-17-94  Willow Creek Programmer's Editor 3.0:        
  207.                                | Auto-indenting and brace pair insertion      
  208.                                | for C/C+ , and simple WP capabilities.       
  209.                                | 4 files maximum at a time.                   
  210. WWIS0294.ZIP    70702  02-01-94  (FEB. '94)  "Who's Who In Shareware"         
  211.                                | directory is a useful index of the           
  212.                                | people and companies involved in the         
  213.                                | shareware industry.  Includes authors,       
  214.                                | vendors, sysops of multi-line BBS's,         
  215.                                | columnists and so on.  If you are            
  216.                                | involved in the shareware industry, you      
  217.                                | can obtain a free listing.  A free           
  218.                                | service of Pinnacle Software, developers     
  219.                                | of the Sapphire BBS.                         
  220. XEQ160.ZIP      14556  03-20-94  XEQ 1.60:  COM File Library and Command      
  221.                                | Executor.  Allows you to combine COM         
  222.                                | files to save space.  Add/Extract/Run/       
  223.                                | etc.                                         
  224. XE_V40.ZIP      48068  03-01-94  HeXEdit 4.0:  Display/edit binary files      
  225.                                | in HEX & ASCII format.                       
  226. XNOT15.ZIP     370712  03-06-94  XNOT 1.5:  Emacs like editor for             
  227.                                | DOS/Win/NT/OS/2.                             
  228. XRAY11.ZIP       9914  02-19-94  XRAY 1.1  Utilities which allow Windows      
  229.                                | programs which can call a DLL (C, Visual     
  230.                                | Basic) to access the screens of DOS          
  231.                                | applications running in 386enh DOS           
  232.                                | Windows.  Includes examples, Libs and        
  233.                                | Include files.  Shareware by Keith P.        
  234.                                | Graham.                                      